MicroSurgical Technology - For Surgeons, By Surgeons.
Founded on the principle of being “For Surgeons, By Surgeons”, MST is committed to providing cutting-edge, innovative tools to enhance patient outcomes. Through collaborative partnerships with pioneering surgeon-designers, we tailor our advancements to cater specifically to meet the distinct clinical needs of ophthalmic surgeons.
——— Pupil Expansion
The Malyugin Ring Classic
Manage small pupils and IFIS1 with ease. The Malyugin Ring facilitates gentle, stable expansion of the iris during cataract surgery, making complex cases simpler and more routine. The Malyugin Ring Classic comes in 6.25mm and 7mm, provides
the following benefits:
–No additional incisions. The Malyugin Ring Classic its through your main incision (2.2mm or larger) and eliminates the need to
make additional paracentesis.
–Gentle expansion. The Malyugin Ring Classic provides eight points of contact on the iris, providing evenly-dispersed tension on the iris sphincter.
–Save OR Time. The Malyugin Ring Classic is easily inserted and removed directly from the iris plane, providing you with complete control and reducing valuable OR time.
——— Micro-Instrumentation
We all know more heads are better than one.
Modular systems that couple universal handles with a large variety of forceps and scissors. Designed to make even the most complicated cases easily manageable by every surgeon. MST has been fortunate to partner with several prominent leaders in ophthalmology to develop the most innovative instruments available. From IOL explantation to scleral fixation and more, the MST Durable Instrument line will ensure you have the right tools for the job.